Cultural diversity in the digital age: the European Coalitions call for a new start for Europe

At the end of the conference they organised in the European Parliament, with the support of Viviane Reding, former vice-president of the European Commission and member of the European Parliament, the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) call for a European leap forward in favour of culture and creation.

Regarding Brexit, popular mistrust of the European Union and the resurgence of nationalism, the ECCD are convinced that European creation is the cement that is missing today to give meaning, strength and coherence to the European project.

For this reason, during the debates that brought together creators, professionals and political and European leaders, the ECCDs recalled 3 strong ambitions that Europe should better defend and support:

  • The defence of a copyright that guarantees a high level of funding for creation, ensures a fair remuneration for creators and artists and protects works;
  • Digital regulation to involve new players, services and Internet platforms in the financing, distribution and exhibition of European works
  • The widest possible exclusion of audiovisual and cultural services from the trade negotiations undertaken by the European Union

In this spirit, the European Coalitions will mobilise during the examination of the copyright reform package by the European Parliament and the European Council. For the sake of cultural diversity in the digital age, ECCD call on European leaders to ensure that the copyright reform does not weaken the situation of European creators and does not call into question the territoriality of rights, which is the guarantee of financing works in all their diversity.

Similarly, the revision of the Audiovisual Media Services directive offers a unique opportunity to put an end to the cultural dumping of the Internet multinationals and to strengthen the place of European works in the offers made to the European public.

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