Adoption of a report promoting discoverability and the protection of artists and authors in the face of generative AI deployment

The European Coalitions congratulate rapporteur Ibán García del Blanco (S&D, Spain) on his report on cultural diversity and conditions for artists and authors in the European music streaming market. The report, adopted in plenary on January 18 2024, proposes measures to promote the discoverability of European works and protect artists and authors from the deployment of generative AI.

The European Coalitions support these measures, and in particular the recommendation to propose a legal framework to guarantee the discoverability of European works on music streaming platforms. They remain attentive to the European Commission’s forthcoming study on this subject, to be launched in early 2024.

Regarding generative AI, the Coalitions welcome the report’s recommendations, which call for:

  1. Guarantee the possibility for artists and authors to reserve their rights and grant licenses for the use of their works for AI training, development or design purposes.
  2. Guarantee transparency on copyright-protected generative AI training content.
  3. Require generative AI systems to document and make available to the public a sufficiently detailed summary of the use of their training data.
  4. Create a clear and visible label to inform the public about purely AI-generated works that do not involve the expression of the author’s personality and creativity.

This report shows the way forward in ensuring a protective regulatory framework for artists and authors in the music streaming market, and more broadly across all cultural and creative sectors. It also reinforces respect for copyright and the principle of transparency, also enshrined in the political agreement on the AI Act reached in mid-December between the Parliament, the Council and the Commission.

This is why, in the name of protecting artists and authors and defending cultural diversity, the European Coalitions call on the Member States of the Council and the MEPs to maintain this course and to confirm, when voting on the draft AI regulation in each of the bodies, the guarantee of an AI that respects creation and copyright and related rights.

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